Q&A with head custodian Braden Lorenz

Newly hired head custodian Braden Lorenz started on Nov. 26, 2018

By Marah Shulda

Head custodian Brian Lorenz started on Nov. 26, 2018, and the duties that he performs have a wide range to upkeep the school.

Chloe Carson, JAG reporter/photographer

JAG: What is your name?

Braden Lorenz

JAG: When did you start working at Mill Valley?

BL: I started on Nov. 26, 2018

JAG: As the new head custodian, what jobs you are in charge of?

BL: I’m in charge of all custodians, building maintenance, building upkeep, and snow removal, on the sidewalks specifically.

JAG: What do you do on a daily basis?

BL: A little bit of everything. Basically, it could be anything from changing a lightbulb to cleaning up throw up or a spill, to cleaning up the cafeteria or the grounds of the school.

JAG: What are things you like about being a custodian?

BL: It’s definitely not a slow job, I like the fast pace of it.

JAG: How often are you at school?

BL: Every day, eight hours a day, if not a little more.

JAG: What was your previous job?

BL: I’ve been in the custodial industry for 10 plus years.

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