Q&A with senior Fernanda Silva
Exchange student adapts to changes from Brazil
Why did you want to be an exchange student?
“It was my dream to be an exchange student since I was 11 years old. I love learning new things and doing my best in everything. I wanted to see how far I can go and have more responsibility.”
How did you learn English?
“I studied for six years in extra classes outside of school. I have always liked the language. My mom would speak some [English] when I was a kid. I was also involved in Interpreter Competitions. I would have to translate Portuguese, Spanish and English.”
Did anything specifically help you learn English?
“I watched movies and listened to a lot of music.”
Has anyone in your family been an exchange student before?
“My sister is in Missouri now as an exchange student. I talk with her everyday. We have seen each other twice since being here.”
What is different about the food here than in Brazil?
“We have a lot of American food in Brazil. We mostly eat rice and beans everyday and not as much as people here eat.”
What have you most enjoyed about being in the United States?
“I have made a lot of new friends, and I have learned so much. Everything has been awesome.”
What were you most excited about?
“I was really excited for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Halloween was so much fun. I went trick or treating and dressed up as a Jedi for Star Wars.”
Are you planning on doing any school activities?
“I really want to stay a full year. Right now I am just staying for a semester. If I stay, I would love to play soccer in the spring. I’m on broadcast and it’s so much fun.”

Senior Cassidy Doran is a third-year veteran to the JAG yearbook staff, working as photo editor for a second year. Doran is part of the band, colorguard, NHS and the bowling team.