Q&A with sophomore Brooke Houghton
Houghton loves that trapshooting is different than school sports
What is trap shooting?
[It’s when you shoot] clay pigeons. When you say ‘pull’ it shoots out and you just shoot it.What are clay pigeons?
You say ‘pull’ and there’s a trap house out in front of you while your standing on pathway sidewalks, when you say pull the clay pigeon flies out of trap house, you get on it and shoot it. [Once] you shoot it it turns to powder.
How did you get involved with trap shooting?
I’ve been shooting since I was 5 years old, just ever since I can remember. My dad works with somebody and said we should start doing this.
Do you hunt as well as trap shoot?
Yes, I hunt deer, dove, turkey and pheasant.
What equipment do you wear?
I wear normal clothes, but I use a 12 gage lanber over and under [shotgun] and shot gun shells.
Can you describe your practice?
You just shoot at a certain time and you show up and you go shoot your disciplines with different squads.
Can you describe your competitions?
There’s just a lot of people and a lot of guns. We don’t do a ton of competitions but we went to nationals. You have to shoot so many clay pigeons to be able to go to nationals.
How long have you been a part of the team?
This will be my second year.
Can you describe your team?
I’m the only girl on the team; there are approximately 40 or 50 other guys. Everybody’s just really nice, it’s kind of like a big family.
How are you scored?
You shoot 25 [pigeons] and then however many you hit you should put over 25. My best for trap would be 23 over 25.
How well do you shoot now compared to when you started?
A lot better. When I first started, I probably only got 12 to 15 out of 25 but I’m up in the twenties now consistently.
What are the different levels?
You have your class and its pretty much your average on how well you shoot. When you go to competition you’re shooting with people at your skill level.
How does trap shooting compare to hunting?
It’s nothing like hunting. In hunting you go out for animals, and in trap shooting you just shoot a clay target.
What would you share with others about trap shooting?
You guys should join the team [at powder creek]. I love it, it’s so much different and it’s not like school sports. You get to meet so many different people. People come out a long ways to be on the team so it’s really cool.

Senior Kate Ocker is returning for her third year on the JAG staff. She is a writer, designer and student life editor. Ocker is involved in NHS, SLT and Student Ambassadors. Outside of school, she enjoys making mix CDs, watching “The Office” and thrift shopping while sipping on iced coffee.