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Relay for Life sells donuts at the football games to raise money for the American Cancer Society

Committee members sold donuts at the football game Friday, Oct. 4
Selling donuts, freshmen Logan Stafford and Paige Lowe collect money.
Selling donuts, freshmen Logan Stafford and Paige Lowe collect money.
By Bella McPeake

Throughout the football season, Relay for Life sells donuts at all of the home football games to raise money for the American Cancer Society. This year the chairs have decided to implement different fundraisers throughout the year. Relay is no longer hosting Bark for Life and are having more donuts sales at school events as it is shown to be a more successful fundraiser.

Senior Matthew Tieman explains this year’s new implements to help raise more money for the cause.

“We decided to create a new event [Thrift for a Cure] and set up more donut sales because we believed that we would make more money by selling donuts more often and at more events,” Tieman said. “We believed that it would also allow us to put more time and effort into our brand new event.”

Senior Matthew Tieman describes his role when it comes to planning and running donut sales.

“The chairs and I buy all of the donuts, set up and take down the stands, organize the schedule for committee members who sell the donuts, and make sure the whole night runs smoothly,” Tieman said.

Senior Laura Hickman describes why she believes donut sales have been such a successful fundraiser.

“I think donuts sales are so successful because donuts are inexpensive to buy and almost everyone likes them,” Hickman said. “A lot of people enjoy buying a whole box of donuts and sharing them with their friends.”

Tieman encourages students to donate and come out to their upcoming event. 

“Make sure to bring in donations and attend our Thrift for a Cure event on Nov. 16,” Tieman said.

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