Review: Brothers Music KC
By Andrew Tow
Brothers Music KC is a local record store located in Mission, Kansas right on Johnson Drive.
January 20, 2020

The store offers a wide variety of records, as well as musical instruments and music lessons.
With the vinyl industry seemingly being resurrected from the dead after not doing much since the late ‘70s, it is important to know where to go when looking for records. After getting my very own record player, I had no idea where to look to find some records at a decent price. It just so happened that just down the street from where I work was Brothers Music KC. This store is located in the heart of downtown Mission, Kansas right on Johnson Drive which is an easy drive for students living in the Mill Valley area. When looking for a record store, you really must take into consideration how is the store laid out because it needs to be easy to find what you want and do the employees have the ability to help you find what you are looking for if you need some help.
Brothers Music KC, while not the largest record store around, offers a wide variety of genres to choose from. Their labeling will show you what genre you are looking at and the smaller tabs between the records show the band names. With this style of organization, it is easy to find what you are looking for and this is very important when you are shopping for records. Unlike using your phone, you cannot simply look up where you find the music you want. The layout that the store uses makes it very easy to find what you are looking for.

All records are sorted into genres and then into what band they were produced by.
Something else that Brothers Music KC does very well is their customer service. The very first time I walked into the store, I really had no idea what I was looking for, but when describing what music I liked the man working was able to help me determine what to get. This is something that the vinyl community offers that a subscription service like Spotify or Apple music simply can’t compete with. The musical knowledge that the employees of Brothers Music offer are what really makes the store my go-to spot.
When shopping recommends looking to your local stores and Brothers Music is definitely the best of the bunch. Their store layout and customer service complement the affordable costs of the records to make it the perfect spot that will meet all of your vinyl needs.