School announces potential snow day finals schedule

The schedule indicates that if Monday, Dec. 16 is a snow day, students will take four finals on Tuesday, Dec. 17

Ben Wieland, Mill Valley News editor-in-chief

Due to a potential snow day or delayed start on Monday, Dec. 16, the district announced possible changes to next week’s finals schedule.

An email from associate principal Jennifer Smith provided a schedule for either a delayed start day or no school at all Monday, Dec. 16.

“While we anticipate that we will be here on Monday, please communicate with all classes today to take home all study materials for both blue and silver classes so they are prepared for finals, no matter the weather,” Smith’s email said.

It also included the following schedules for delayed start or no school on Monday, Dec. 16.

Delay Start Final Schedule

9:50 – 11:25 – Silver 2 – Final

11:32 – 1:23 – Silver 3 – Class & Lunch

1st  Lunch: 11:32-11:56

2nd Lunch: 12:01-12:25

3rd  Lunch: 12:30-12:54

4th  Lunch: 12:59-1:23

1:30-2:55 – Silver 4 – Final

The rest of the week would be as planned.

Tuesday Final Exam Schedule (if school on Monday is cancelled)

7:50 – 9:25 –   Silver 2 – Final

9:32 – 11:07 – Silver 4 – Final

11:14 – 1:13 –  Blue 2 – Final & Lunch (A schedule will be developed)

1:20 –  2:55 –   Blue 4 – Final

The rest of the week would continue as planned.

The Weather Channel estimates a 70% chance of snow Sunday and 60% chance of snow Monday morning. The district will likely make their final decision on whether Monday, Dec. 16 will be a normal day, delayed start day or snow day on Sunday evening or early Monday morning.

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