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School appreciation needs to be more prevalent

School appreciation needs to be more prevalent

How many times a day do you hear complaints or nasty comments about our school? Whether they’re in the form of comments written on the bathroom stalls, tweets or simply remarks you hear in the hallway, the people with the worst attitudes about our school seem to be the ones heard the most.

Believe it or not, the majority of our peers don’t think our school is the prison it’s made out to be. If you are one of the people who look down on our school, you need to understand that, even in the Kansas City area, there are a lot worse places to be.

After taking a closer look at many of the other schools around us, particularly in the urban areas, we should feel privileged to be given what our school has to offer. Because we live in the “Johnson County bubble,” it’s hard to grasp the idea that many students in other areas are afraid to go to school every day. In many of their schools, the theft rate is high, poverty is a prevalent issue and violence often disrupts class time. The most pressing issues at our school, on the other hand, seem to deal with waking up too early, the dance policy and the few students who get caught smoking in the bathroom.

Overall, I find it ridiculous that there are people who can complain about our school, while almost everyone here is trying to help them reach their potential. If you honestly hate our school it’s not because of the rules, teachers or administrators, it’s because you choose to take our school for granted. Take a step back and have a greater outlook on everything else that is going on outside of your life. Appreciate what you are given and take pride in this school.

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