Senior artist sells work at North Carolina gallery
Logan Robertson describes her pottery as ‘eccentric.’
Senior Logan Robertson works on a project in her Silver 4 art class. Robertson sold art work at her aunt’s art gallery in North Carolina over the summer.
Senior Logan Robertson spent her summer selling art pieces she created in art teacher Erica Crist’s class. Robertson’s aunt helped her sell the pottery pieces at her gallery in North Carolina.
“The best part [of selling my art] was feeling like an actual artist that did something instead of just drawing in my free time. I could actually use my art, sell it and make a profit off of it. It made me feel grown up,” Robertson said.
Robertson’s pieces sold for $25-$120.
“My art is very precise, I like doing realistic stuff but at times I guess it could be kind of quirky and weird,” Robertson said.
Robertson describes many of the pieces she sold this summer she as eccentric. The pronounced craftsmanship used in her pottery makes them all her own, according to Crist.
“I would say she’s definitely someone who sets goals and is dedicated to her work. She takes a lot of pride in her work,” Crist said.
Although Robertson is happy she sold her art, she wants to move away from the fine arts in the direction of graphic design.
“[In the future] I’m more interested in graphic design like making posters or designs for company logos something along those lines,” Robertson said.

Senior Kate Ocker is returning for her third year on the JAG staff. She is a writer, designer and student life editor. Ocker is involved in NHS, SLT and Student Ambassadors. Outside of school, she enjoys making mix CDs, watching “The Office” and thrift shopping while sipping on iced coffee.