Senior Dylan Wall serves as a Jehovah’s Witness within the community

Senior Dylan Wall reveals a life in devotion to Jehovah and Jesus under the Jehovah’s Witness corporation

Cassi Benson, JAG reporter

Jehovah’s Witness, one of many religions in the world includes followers senior Dylan Wall and his father Matt Wall who believe in devoting time for ministry work, balance, future prospects on Earth, and a life devoted to following Christ.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are part of a Christian worldwide corporation that believes Jehovah is God and his son Jesus Christ died for our sins. According to Dylan, witnesses also believe God’s kingdom will solve world problems and government will create lasting changes with a paradise Earth.

The Wall family has carried on the Jehovah’s Witness faith through generations, but each family member individually had to make a choice to become a witness by being baptized.

“My grandparents were Witnesses, so my parents were Witnesses,” Dylan said. “I was raised [a Witness] but there came a point when I had to make it my own. I was baptized in 2009 when I made a personal choice to become a Witness.”

According to Dylan, one of the commandments Jesus gave his disciples was to go out and convert disciples for him. Witnesses do this by going door-to-door presenting magazines, having a brief discussion and referencing the Bible; a huge commitment.

“Meeting people in the ministry from school when we go [door-to-door can be an experience] because we don’t know who is behind doors and they are not expecting us to be at their door,” Dylan said. “[Once when] my dad and I went up to a house it was [Spanish teacher Jan] Good-Ballinger’s house. It’s just neat to see people outside of settings that we see them in every day.”

Along with ministry work, Matt said Witnesses also believe in a morally clean life, in which all things done and performed are in moderation.

“We try to do things in a balanced way so we don’t abuse anything,” Matt said. “Moderation and balance is really important in life and the Bible discusses those balances.”

Along with balance in life, they do not participate in clubs, sports or celebrate holidays because of their pagan origins, according to Dylan. However, they do celebrate the commemoration of Jesus Christ’s death, the memorial, by discussing the life of Jesus and how the witnesses can remember him.

“It’s just a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus gave and how that opened up a way for us to be saved,” Dylan said.

Due to Jehovah’s Witness being a worldwide corporation in over 239 areas across the globe, there is an annual optional worldwide meeting where Witnesses from around the world meet to discuss the Bible.

According to Matt, the organization is about loving and appreciating the brothers and sisters of the congregation and strangers.

“Last summer we took a trip to Chicago and we were walking around being tourists. Later as we got out of the subway station we saw some of our brothers and sisters right there on the corner doing their ministry work,” Matt said. “I didn’t know who they were and I had never seen them before in my life but I could go up to them and say, ‘Hi… I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses” and immediately we got a big smile and a hug. That was in the United States, but we could also do that worldwide.”

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