Senior participates in Kansas City Royals “KCrew”

Senior Allison Eigsti’s job involves improving Royals fans’ experience at the K

By Photo by Lindsay Roush

Senior Allison Eigsti is a member of the 2015 Kansas City Royals KCrew.

Sydney Carson, JAG editor-in-chief

Since November 2014, senior Allison Eigsti has been a member of the Kansas City Royals interactive team called the “KCrew.” Each of the approximate 20 members are required to work 30 home games where they lead the park in “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” the Seventh Inning Stretch and other game rituals, as well as socializing with fans.

“I am a ‘KCrew’ member. It’s kind of a Royals cheerleader in a way, but it’s basically to spread spirit amongst the stadium,” Eigsti said. “Most of the job is going up and talking to people. Our goal is to enhance the fans’ experience at the K and overall spirit during games. We’re ambassadors of the team and the organization.”

The most difficult aspect of the job is time management, according to Eigsti.

“I would say making sure you’re at the right place at the right time [is the hardest]. It sounds silly, but you can get distracted by talking to fans … You always have to have a smile on your face,” Eigsti said.

While Eigsti saw some hardships of her position in the KCrew, she enjoys most aspects of her job.

“If people know that you’re a ‘KCrew’ member, then it not only reflects yourself, but it reflects the company as well. You’re held to a high standard that you need to be respectful to everyone at all times and an overall stand-up person,” Eigsti said. “It’s not really a stressful job. It’s kind of a blessing that your job is to talk to people and have fun.”

Along with the easy-going nature of her position as a ‘KCrew’ member, Eigsti recognized other benefits of the job.

“The job has many perks, but I feel like the number one perk is getting able to work there; that’s the biggest perk, that it’s not really work,” Eigsti said.

Through the KCrew, Eigsti felt a stronger alliance with Kansas City.

“The best part of my job would be just getting to be a part of such [an] amazing organization. You feel like you’re so connected to the city [and] you’re connected to the team,” Eigsti said. “We’re all involved in such a great group, and it’s such a great atmosphere.”

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