By Libby Strathman

Hoisted in the air by his classmates, senior Danny Talavera crowd surfs.

Seniors celebrate the end of Homecoming week with the annual Blue Bomb

After not having a Blue Bomb for almost two years, the senior class revived the tradition, introducing the annual event to principal Dr. Gail Holder.

After nearly two years, the senior class brought back the Blue Bomb Friday, Sept. 24. Blue Bomb is a senior tradition that takes place to signify the end of Homecoming week. Seniors meet at the school at 5:00 a.m. to decorate the foyer with anything and everything blue. 

Some traditions of Blue Bomb were also changed in order to accomodate COVID-19 restrictions. For example, the typical mosh pit in the foyer took place outside in front of the school so that students could take off their masks and celebrate safely. 

Senior Caroline Schmidt explained the significance that this Blue Bomb had. 

“I feel like this is our first year since freshman year that we’ve had somewhat of a normal year,” Schmidt said. “[Blue Bomb] is an opportunity for us seniors to really embrace our last year here. It’s a really fun thing for us to do this year.”

Not only does the senior class come to decorate at 5:00 a.m., teacher sponsors were also asked to help chaperone the event. JLC sponsor Nicole Porter explained her job as a sponsor and which students asked her to be a chaperone. 

“A group of seniors from JLC, Logan Pfeister, Lauren Walker and Bridget Roy, [asked me],” Porter said. “[My job is] to make sure that there’s no destruction and that [the seniors] are making good choices.” 

Porter also explained the importance of the Blue Bomb, especially for this senior class. 

“I think that [Blue Bomb] is such an awesome tradition we do here at Mill Valley and I think it brings their class together,” Porter said. “It allows them to celebrate their senior year, and it’s something to look forward to every year.”

Schmidt also stated how important the opportunity to have Blue Bomb is to the senior class.

“I think this year since we’ve been dealing with COVID-19 for so long, we finally have the opportunity to do these kinds of things,” Schmidt said. “It’s just an opportunity for all of us to come together and embrace our school as one.”

In addition to the significance of the Blue Bomb, Schmidt also described the positive atmosphere while decorating the foyer. 

“I love how everyone is so supportive of one another,” Schmidt said. “We’re all here to do the same thing and to create the most school spirit that we can.”

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