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Seven questions with senior Andrew Eigsti

What activities do you participate in?

Cross Country, (student) Ambassadors, CO- Vice President of NHS and band.

How do you manage all of your homework, being so involved?

I find time to do it. I sit down and knock it out. I don’t stay up late doing homework.

What is it like being a senior on the cross country team?

It’s fun. I’m going to miss it next year and miss all the good times I had in my four years.

Are there any responsibilities that come with that?

Yes. You’re expected to lead practices… but it doesn’t mean you’re going to be the best runner.

What do you do to train for cross country meets?

We practice every day, we workout in the summer, do sit ups, and we set goals.

What is it like being one of the few members of the pit orchestra?

Pit is always an experience that not many can enjoy. There’s lots of joking around but hard work at the same time.

How did it feel to be voted Homecoming King?

I was surprised… and thankful that I have such good friends around me.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to students wanting to get involved?

Don’t be afraid to try something new. Man up and do it! You’ve got nothing to lose.

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