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Seven questions with student missionary Becca Bilyeu

Seven questions with student missionary Becca Bilyeu

Junior Becca Bilyeu recounts her recent mission trip in Honduras.

What did you do over spring break? 

I went on a medical missions trip to Honduras.

What church do you attend?

I go to Mill Creek Community Church.

What did you do in Honduras? 

We took a team down to do a medical brigade. A brigade is when we go to a church and set up stations. One [station] is pharmacy, one is medical, one is optical, one is dental and one is evangelism. The medical is when they go to see a doctor and see what medicine they need. Then they go to the pharmacy to get the medicine. They then go to the dental or optical, whichever they need … [where they can] get teeth pulled, a [teeth] cleaning [or] whatever. If they go to [the optical station], they get glasses or sunglasses if they need that. And then to end it they go to the evangelism station where they talk about Jesus with a translator or an adult, and why we are there. We talk to them how we are there for their physical needs but more importantly their spiritual needs. And after that, they [leave].

Individually, what did you do during the missions trip?

I don’t have any medical or dental experience so they kind of put me wherever help was needed. So the first two days I worked in evangelism, and then [I worked] down stairs. That’s where the children were and so I also helped out with children. On the third day I worked in [the pharmacy station, where] I gave people their medicine and on the fourth day I was a dental assistant.

Did you connect with any of the people you met there? 

The organization we went through was WGO, which [stands for] World Gospel Outreach and we aren’t allowed to keep in contact with the translators except through Facebook, Instagram and other social media. Nothing like texting or email. So, I did connect with the translators and we are friends on Facebook. They are just the coolest people ever.

What did you take away from the trip?

It definitely opened my heart for missions. In the Bible it says “therefore go and make disciples of all nations,” and I didn’t really understand that until now. I want to go out there and help anybody I can.

Was this your first missions trip, and has it opened any thoughts to becoming a missionary in your future?

This was my second missions trip. My first mission trip, I had really high expectations for. I didn’t really enjoy it because it didn’t live up to those expectations. But on this one everything flowed real well and I just gave it all to the Lord and let him take control instead of me. Since I left I definitely am considering being a missionary. It’s a consideration.

What was the most eye opening part of your trip? 

The physical need of these people … like, we had seven year olds with yeast infections and a lot of children with gum diseases and just really random things. It was really sad to see that they can’t get help like we can … and I think that we really take it for granted how easy we have it. Also, the environment down there, there is tons of gangs and rape and people have babies just so they have a chance to go out and make money for them. It is just really sad.

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