Spanish National Honor Society holds induction ceremony for new members

New members were inducted during the in-person ceremony Wednesday, Nov. 18

Quinn Franken, JagWire Editor-in-Chief

Spanish National Honor Society (SNHS) welcomed its new members to the club Wednesday, Nov. 18. The ceremony was in-person with all attendees masked and social distancing. While the induction may have looked a little different than in past years because of the pandemic, their cause stayed the same: getting students more involved in the Hispanic community. 

New inductee, junior Jordin Harris, is excited to join SNHS this year because of how it will get her more involved in learning about the local Spanish community.

“I’m super excited about being around others who are as passionate about learning Spanish as I am,” Harris said. “I am also really excited about volunteering in our community and school by doing activities related to Spanish and the culture.”

To qualify to become a member of SNHS you must have a 3.5 GPA in Spanish within the past and current school year, have taken at least two years of Spanish, and have a current quarter grade of 85%, according to Harris. There is also a short paragraph in which applicants explain why they are a good fit to join and how they are a leader at school.

One way SNHS members volunteer in the community and show leadership is through tutoring Spanish students. Due to the pandemic that looks different this year, but members are still taking the initiative to spread the Spanish culture at the school. 

“Covid has impacted the way we are going to do our volunteering,” Harris said. “Typically volunteering might consist of tutoring other Spanish students outside of school but considering we are now remote, that will probably have to take place over Zoom which can be a little difficult.” 

Returning member, junior Ashlynn Landon, has enjoyed her time as a SNHS member and will be a  leader for the new inductees this year. 

“My favorite part about being an SNHS is connecting with others through Spanish. I think it’s really cool that so many of us are interested in being leaders who help display the Hispanic culture in our community,” said Landon. 

Planning on pursuing Spanish in her future, Harris joined the club because she thought it would set her on the right track.

“I wanted to join because I really enjoy Spanish and the culture and believed that this would be another place to learn more about it and be around others with the same interests,” Harris said. “I have hopes of minoring in Spanish in college and believed that this would help me be on the right track for that.”

Both Harris and Landon are excited to meet new people who share the same interest in Spanish that they do and to continue educating students on the Spanish culture through SNHS events this year. 

“I hope to make more friends that I can spend time with outside of school and learn more Spanish and things about the culture that I might not have learned in my typical Spanish class,” Harris said.

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