Spring sports starts pre-season conditioning

Many spring sports like softball begins conditioning for season ahead

Kate Haney, Brooklyn LaFon, and Kaylen Hyde

Like many other spring sports, the softball team has been preparing for the season by doing conditioning during the off-season. Softball coach Jessica DeWild explains the schedule of the pre-season workouts.

“We condition on every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday starting at 3:10 pm after school, we started doing this Monday, Jan. 9,” DeWild said. “The girls are not required to come to the workouts, but most days we have a good turnout.”

Describing what a normal day of conditioning looks like, senior Adisyn Hopkins shares what they do to work out. 

“Normally, we warm up by starting with a light 10-minute jog and some stretching,” Hopkins said. “After that, we get into our workout, and then after that, we will either lift or do core exercises, sometimes we will even do both core and lifting exercises.” 

Additionally, DeWild expresses why she has her athletes participate in workouts during the off-season. 

“It is important for the girls to be well conditioned at the start of the season,” DeWild said. “This allows us to avoid injury and ensures that our first week of practice is able to happen at a competition level since their bodies are ready for the activity.”

Similarly to DeWild, Hopkins expands on why conditioning in the winter before spring sports is very important. 

“We want to make sure everyone is in shape prior to the start of the season since we do practice every day. It can be very taxing on your body and even risk injury if you haven’t prepared at all,” Hopkins said. “It also helps get people to their max level of performance strength and speed-wise going into the season. Lastly, we can begin to establish that team chemistry with new and returning players.”

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