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Staff editorial: Cool School event proves the school has spirit

For a school that has often claimed a lack of school spirit, the Cool School event definitely proved the assumption wrong. The KCTV5 event on Friday, Oct. 28 turned out better than expected as a result of behind the scenes work and student enthusiasm.

The school was first notified of its nomination for the event, a weekly segment on KCTV5 that features schools with impressive non-athletic activities, last Wednesday, Oct. 19. StuCo members were only given a week and a half notice to plan an event that most schools take months to plan. On Saturday, Oct. 22, a StuCo committee worked for about three hours to plan games that helped fill time at the assembly.

A combination of games, trivia, band performances and interaction with the crowd ultimately helped keep student enthusiasm up for the whole three hours.

Also impressive was the student turn out at the event. Students knew they would be allowed to leave at 12:08 p.m. if they arrived early. Consequently, over 700 students attended the event, and most students showed up 15 minutes before 5 a.m. for the pep assembly and stayed enthusiastic through out the event.

Highlights from the event were the chair sit game, “Hey, hey, what do you say?” chant and the rollercoaster cheer. The excitement level added to KCTV5’s live segments shots.

In the future when planning pep assemblies, StuCo should take note of the success of the Cool School event and students should remember that the school can have school spirit at all events.

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