Whether scrolling on TikTok or swiping through Instagram stories, a person’s feed is likely to be filled with so-called realistic what I eat in day videos, how to get in shape fast videos, influencer testimonies of a new workout supplement and of course the newest calorie deficit or fasting diet.
With each new trend and viral product to buy, social media continues to become a platform where people’s bodies are constantly commented on and consumers are told that to fit beauty standards they must buy the newest product. A product that will make them skinnier or more muscular or give them perfect skin.
A study published by the American Psychological Institution highlighted how teens often struggle with body image issues and seeing constant images of people on social media only makes the issue worse.
While not all trends attempt to body shame or judge others, many do it implicitly without noticing the harms. Videos such as “what I eat in a day,” can lead people to compare their eating habits to those of their favorite influencers.
Advertising on social media platforms such as Instagram can also have a negative impact on teens body image. Many companies choose to target younger audiences to buy their products, by having influencers market their products. Such as, ads promising a protein powder that will help get toned muscles or a vitamin that will help lose weight.
As social media continues to be a place where poor eating habits and unrealistic body standards are upheld, it is important for teenagers to limit their time on these platforms and understand the kind of content that is harmful to them.
People on social media are simply showing the best parts of their lives. What is healthy for one person may not be for another. A person’s diet and exercise should be based on their own personal lifestyle, not someone else’s.
Because of this it might be beneficial for teens to take a more neutral stance on their perceptions of their bodies. Everyone struggles with body image issues, especially teens. It is impossible for anyone to always feel confident in how their body looks; it is instead more productive to focus on what a person’s body does for them. A person’s body isn’t just about how it looks, it is also about how it operates.
It is important for teens to remember this. Taking care of their bodies means way more than losing weight or growing muscles, it’s about having a body that functions the way it’s supposed to, in order to sustain each person’s own lifestyle.
In the end it’s up to each person to remind themselves that people on social media are all the most edited, filtered, appealing and best versions of themselves and that what works for one person might not for everyone.