STEM education should not take precedence over other courses

Science, math and technology classes should not outshine English and social studies, which are equally important

We live in an age of technology. Almost all of our day-to-day tasks are aided by some form of technology. With this comes more technological careers, specifically in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. Logically, students are now being prompted to take more STEM-related classes.

With this push toward STEM-related classes, many are beginning to think that English and social studies courses have little to no worth in comparison. However, many necessary skills are learned from English and social studies courses.

To some students, English and social studies courses are seen as almost useless. After all, if you’re not going to write, teach or find a career in law or politics, why should you have to take English or history classes? Students with this mindset are neglecting one major aspect of these classes: the skills that they develop.

Through English courses, we learn to write, analyze and synthesize information and communicate and defend ideas. These ideas are also learned and developed through history classes, specifically because of primary source document analysis. Other social studies courses, like government and geography, teach students how to contribute to society, form opinions on important issues and develop a comprehensive worldview. These are skills everyone will need to use at some point in their lives or careers, no matter what they decide to do in the future.

Favorites shouldn’t be played within education. While STEM-related courses are more necessary than ever in today’s society, it shouldn’t be the favorite child of education. No one type of course is more beneficial than another; only with a well-rounded education can a student be fully prepared to have a career and make contributions to modern society.

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