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The student news site of Mill Valley High School

Mill Valley News

The student news site of Mill Valley High School

Mill Valley News

The student news site of Mill Valley High School

Mill Valley News

Bookkeeper Darlene Deas talks about how much work goes into keeping track of budgets and bills for the school

Mill Valley News: What is your job?

Darlene Deas: I am a bookkeeper. I am in charge of anything money wise. Money from selling tickets at athletic events, deposited fees and budgeting for the school. Only for the school, not the district. I am also in charge of student and teacher ID’s.

MVN: Tell me about your background,where did you grow up? Where did you go to college?

DD:  I grew up in Springfield, Missouri, I went to SMS, Southwest Missouri State University, now it is known as MSU, Missouri State University. 

MVN: What are your hobbies and what do you do in your free time? 

DD: My most favorite [hobby] is hiking. I also enjoy skydiving and rock climbing. My husband and I love to go hiking most of all.

MVN: What made you come to Mill Valley?

DD: My oldest son graduated here in 2015, when he graduated I was actually working at Monticello Trails Middle School, and we live right next door so it was good because I was on my kid’s schedules. My youngest son graduated here in 2020 as well. He just graduated from Kansas State this past year. I’m still working here because it’s fun. It’s fun to see the kids, and every day is different.

MVN: How long have you worked at Mill Valley?

DD: I worked at Monticello Trails Middle School for 5 years, and then moved to MVHS.  I have worked at Mill Valley High School for 7 years.  So I have worked in this school district for 12 years.

MVN: What makes your job important to how Mill Valley operates?

DD: Nobody could pay the bills. Things would not get ordered, the budget wouldn’t get done. I also handle credit cards.If teachers need to come and get credit cards for supplies I am in charge of that. I am also in charge of gas cards.

 MVN: What is your favorite thing about your job?

DD: I have a lot of them. I think it’s working with the whole staff. I think the whole staff is fantastic. Then on the flip side of it, I love getting to be all around all the kids and seeing their excitement for the school and their school spirit. It’s just kind of a family atmosphere.

MVN: What is your favorite thing about MVHS?

DD: I think it’s a fantastic school. I have school spirit even though I never went here. It’s the people that make the school.

MVN: Tell me about an item in your office or at your desk that is important to you.

DD: This [Mill Valley] sign was in our yard. It’s one of the original signs. We bought it in 2011. So that was in our yard for my oldest son, and then my youngest son came along, and then that was in the yard for him. So I think that is a bit of history for us. It’s kind of like family history, but it’s Mill Valley too.

MVN: What else should students know about you?

DD: I’m here because of the students, but I deal mostly with staff and parents. But I’m always here if they ever have questions. Usually I can help them answer it. Let me just say I will try my best.

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