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The student news site of Mill Valley High School

Mill Valley News

The student news site of Mill Valley High School

Mill Valley News

The student news site of Mill Valley High School

Mill Valley News

School Psychologist Stacy Miller is ready to help any student in need

Mill Valley News: What is your job at Mill Valley? Describe some of your duties and responsibilities.

Stacy Miller: I am the school psychologist at Mill Valley and some of my duties and responsibilities are working with students who have IEPs or are involved in special education. I do counseling with students who may need to talk to somebody. I also do general problem solving with teachers, parents or students.

MVN: Tell me about your background: Where did you grow up? Where did you go to college?

SM: I grew up here in the DeSoto district and I went to school at Monticello trails and graduated from Mill Valley. I went to KU for undergrad and went to Baylor for graduate school.

MVN: What are your hobbies/what do you do in your free time?

SM: I love to spend time with my three kids and I also love to read and spend any free time I can listening to audio books.

MVN: What made you come to Mill Valley?

SM: I worked in Olathe for a long time and when I saw this position open, I was super excited because it’s really close to where I live and have the same schedule as my kids so I can support them as I need and I knew that this was a great school from when I graduated and I knew it was still and really good school.

MVN: How long have you worked at Mill Valley?

SM: This is my second year at Mill Valley.

MVN: What makes your job important to how Mill Valley operates?

SM: I’m essential in the functioning of special education and I’m the coordinator behind it within the building. I also serve as the department chair so I see myself as being a problem solver and helping support the teachers, helping support the case managers and making sure the students are successful.

MVN: What is your favorite thing about your job?

SM: I love working with students and getting to know them, being as helpful as I can with them and hopefully being a support for them so that every student can find a person and they should be afforded that in any school they’re in.

MVN: What is your favorite thing about MVHS?

SM: I really like how hard everyone works and how much the staff loves being here, it’s unique. I think people show up here excited to connect with the students.

MVN: Tell me about an item in your office or at your desk that is important to you.

SM: My family picture, it represents how much I love my kids and I pinch myself everyday to remind myself that I’ve got three wonderful kids and it’s just surreal at times. 

MVN: What else should students know about you?

SM: I can be a resource for anybody, similar to a counselor and social worker and I’m available by email if someone wants to schedule something with me.

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