StuCo promotes healthy habits via Instagram
Members share activities for life during the quarantine
March 26, 2020
Although school will be online for the final semester of the 2020 school year, StuCo has been using the power of social media to bring students together. Throughout the first week of the quarantine, StuCo has been actively posting on their Instagram page a quarantine spirit week with different ideas of activities that students can do to keep themselves busy while they aren’t at school or with friends.

So far, these activities have included live yoga with english teacher Coral Brignoni, recipes for crafts and snacks, self care tips and encouragements to spend time with family.
Posting the content, senior StuCo member Avery Altman believes the posts will bring people together.
“Even if the school year as we have known it is over, we should remember we are a community,” Altman said. “Now it is more important than ever to act as one.”
Along with Altman, senior student body president Annie Bogart sees this as the main goal of StuCo and strives to complete it through the end of the school year despite the lack of physical attendance.
“Uniting the student body and providing events is one of student council’s main responsibilities,” Bogart said. “Just because we physically can’t go back to school, doesn’t mean our job is finished.”Altman encourages the social media presence to assist in the effects of the pandemic on the student body.
“None of us have experienced a situation like this where our social lives are stripped from us,” Altman said. “Finding ways to stay connected will help us cope.”
Despite the cancellation of in person classes and activities, Bogart is adamant to give the student body, especially the seniors, a proper ending of the school year that they deserve.
“Other organizations, student leaders and myself have an obligation to the student body,” Bogart said. “We will not let the year end without closure and will do everything in our power to promote spirit.”