By Gwyneth Hayes

Student tech Alex Whipple enjoys helping his school with technology trouble

Whipple enjoys exploring the Apple operating systems for the first time

JAG: Why did you decide to be a student tech?

Alex Whipple: Because I felt that it’s something that way to deal with in my career path of computer science which is where I’d like to go for college. It seemed like a fun thing to do and it’s good to help out the general school populace.

J: What is your favorite part about being a student tech?

AW: Properly being able to fix the problems on my own just cuz it feels good and it’s like I did something today that was worthwhile and I know how to do.

J: What is one thing you want students, teachers and/or parents to know about the MacBooks?

AW: There a great resource when used correctly, so my recommendation is to use them to the maximum advantage you can. 

J: What’s one lesson or thing you have learned by being a student tech?

AW: I’m pretty new to the Mac operating systems so I learn how to use Apple cause i’m native Windows and Linux user. Also haven’t ever worked with an Apple TV before so It was pretty fun sitting them up. Just working with the vast network of technology that we have here at the school compared to just like an individual computer or so

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