Students and staff participate in biannual blood drive
In coordination with the Community Blood Center, StuCo hosted the blood drive on Thursday, Oct. 19
By Ally Nguyen
Nurses from the Community Blood Center take donations from junior Lauren Harris and sophomore Alison Wells on Thursday, Oct. 19
October 21, 2017
Students and faculty came together to donate blood to the Community Blood Center
in a blood drive sponsored by StuCo on Thursday, Oct. 19. Although the blood drive had 72 registered donors, there were fewer donations than anticipated due to factors such as iron deficiency and inability to meet weight and height requirements.
English teacher Coral Brignoni was unable to participate due to the former, but has donated many times in the past.
“I’ve always known that one donation could save three lives,” Brignoni said. “So, even though I don’t particularly love the process … I know that my donation is helping.”

Watching as the nurse inserts a needle, junior Grace Goetch gives blood to the Community Blood Center.
On the other hand, junior Lauren Harris participated for the first time due to a prior interest in organ donation.
“I chose to participate because … last year I went to the Donate Life rally, and I liked being there and learning about that stuff,” Harris said. “When I found out we could donate blood, I thought that was cool.”
StuCo president senior Bella Hadden felt the drive had a positive impact on the wider community.
“I’m sure that with all the disasters going on right now … there’s going to be an increased need for blood donations,” Hadden said. “So, I think it’s really good that Mill Valley is doing one.”
Additionally, Hadden had a mixed reaction to the experience, but found it rewarding.
“I would do it again,” Hadden said. “It’s a net gain. [Even] if I don’t feel well for a couple days, someone can get a blood transfusion.”
Like Hadden, Harris took additional time to recuperate. However, she ultimately agrees.
“In hindsight, it was a good learning experience,” Harris said. “With a little more breakfast, I think I’ll be fine next time.”