Because of how popular social media is with teenagers, it’s a no-brainer that the school’s sports teams are making Instagram or X accounts to promote their sport. Whether that be through game day posts or team pictures, posting on social media can be a good way to inform students and gather more publicity for games. Because anyone can post anything, the possibilities for social media are endless.

The girls wrestling team’s Instagram is run by the coaches Aaron Kennedy and paraeducator Nicole Keating. They use the account to inform their followers of upcoming wrestling events and bring more awareness to girls wrestling.
“It helps by getting [the sport] in front of people that were not aware of it,” Kennedy wrote via text. “It is important to grow women’s wrestling because it hasn’t been sanctioned very long. If you look at football, that has been around over a hundred years, and has been institutionalized,”
Although most of the school’s sports accounts are run by teachers or coaches, student managers also play a big part in running the account. Take junior Prachi Kalirai, who designs the game day posts for the boys and girls soccer team Instagram and X account.
“I take time on [the posts],” Kalirai said. “I don’t just throw something together all sloppy. I make sure it looks nice and everything, hopefully, is typed right.”
Using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and experience in her graphic design class, Kalirai spends time making posts informing followers of game days and other extra information for soccer games like themes.
Managers can use social media to make informative posts. However, running a sport’s social media account doesn’t have to be fully serious or informative. In fact, more fun posts can be more entertaining to look at and make students want to come back to the account to see more.
Junior Sydney Nash makes posts for the MVHS Soccer Managers’ Instagram. Different from usual accounts, the soccer manager’s account crowns a ‘Manager Man of the Match’ with a crown and cape the soccer managers spend time decorating. Doing more fun posts on a sports account can raise team spirit and memorialize accomplishments.
“It’s really fun,” Nash said. “It’s something that the boys can look back on and [use to] reflect on their season of how they did. It brings them joy about the season.”