Students defy stereotypes within Tabletop Roleplaying club
Students spend time playing Dungeons and Dragons after school in room A-209
By Liz Coenen
Senior Mason Mullen guides Brianna Bruno through the trials and tribulations of Dungeons and Dragons on Friday, March 25th.
April 21, 2022

The dice roll, clattering loudly against the table. A group of students stares with anticipation as they land. This is a typical Friday afternoon in science teacher Alex Warn’s classroom, room A-209, where he sponsors the Tabletop Role-Playing club, giving students a place where they are able to spend time together after school playing Dungeons and Dragons.
In past years, the club had not been approved by the administration, but after this year’s approval, many students meet regularly to enjoy playing the game. Because the club’s meetings generally only last until 4:30, they often play “one-shots,” shorter versions of the game with a specific goal that can be completed in one session.
According to junior Brianna Bruno, the club has an enjoyable atmosphere.
“It’s so much fun,” Bruno said. “I’m personally there for character interaction…It’s just a really fun, homely vibe, that’s how I describe it. It’s very chaotic.”
Large amounts of work are put into coming up with what to do prior to the meeting, and designing the game plan for each one-shot can be a time-consuming process. Senior Mason Mullen, who is one of the club’s Game Masters, shares how he prepares for each meeting to ensure that the members enjoy each session.
“I typically try things that I’ve noticed work. You talk to [the players] beforehand like, ‘Hey, what are the things you want to see from the story or the writings?’” Mullen said. “Because a lot of it is just writing notes beforehand that when you see you know what kind of story would you like.You talk to them individually, and express care in their interests and what they want to see. If you’re a Game Master, it isn’t about you having fun, it’s about the players. A lot of times you do a session that you really don’t want to do just because you know everybody else does.”
Sometimes there are negative stereotypes associated with the club, but the truth is it is just like any other hobby, with creative people doing something they love. According to Warn, anyone can join, and the club’s members come from a variety of social spheres.
“I was a jock band kid growing up in high school, and I played Dungeons and Dragons,” Warn said. “You get a lot of the Math Club Kids and the Chess club kids, but we also have guys who wrestle and people who are on various sports teams or track [and] a lot of tennis people. You get all types. It’s mostly just people who like to use their imagination to escape their world for a bit.”
Bruno believes that anybody with the time to participate in the club should try to give it a chance, as its fun and friendly environment provided her with the opportunity to meet new people.
“It’s honestly for people who don’t have anything to do on Fridays,” Bruno said. “It’s really, really fun. It’s always fun to try new things. I have met so many great, amazing people that I probably wouldn’t have talked to [if I had not joined the club]. I would highly recommend people just giving it a try. It’s just good vibes.”