Students host prayer walk around school
Students walked around the school to pray for fellow students and peers on Tuesday, Feb. 22
By Annie Myers
Standing in the freshman locker bank, senior Emma Wilhoit prays aloud alongside junior Grace Abram. The prayer walk, held on Tuesday, Feb. 21, allowed students to come together to pray for issues seen at school.
February 23, 2017
Students held a prayer walk around the school on Tuesday, Feb 22. While walking around the school, students prayed in locations like locker banks and stairs for issues they see around school.
Last year, a similar event was put on by Club 121. This year, however, junior Grace Abram held the event with other students. Abram hopes for the event to continue in the future.
“I would love to [hold more events in the future],” Abram said. “This is something I’m really passionate about.“
Junior Whitney Burke attended the walk because of her passion for the school.
“I decided to come because I love this school and I care about it a lot and I love the people that gather here with me,” Burke said. “To be able to pray for these hallways and the people that walk in them with people that I care about is a wonderful thing.”
Abram hopes to spread their message to the school through the event.
“The purpose for me is just to bring the Lord into our community here at school,” Abram said.
Burke hopes that the event will positively impact the school environment.
“For my beliefs, prayer can move mountains,” Burke said. “I really hope that the atmosphere now can be a little lighter and can be more positive everywhere you go.”
Abram was pleased with the turnout, with around 10 students attending, and believes it was enough to impact change.
“I think there was a great turnout,” Abram said. “You don’t need a ton to win over the world, you just need a few.”