Students participate in Eudora-Tech Health Careers Program
The program allows students to get a headstart on their medical careers and learn valuable clinical skills
By Abby Steiger
Pushing junior Kelly Doyle in the wheelchair, junior Jada Eggleston practices wheelchair use.
September 26, 2020
Every morning, a select group of students make the trek to Eudora High School to participate in the Eudora-Tech Program. These students start their day of school at 7:18 a.m. and then race back to Mill Valley to catch the second half of second block.
The Eudora-Tech Health Careers program allows first-year students to get their Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification and second-year students to get their Certified Medication Assistant (CMA) certification.
According to junior Kelly Doyle, she took this class because of her interest in the medical field as a career.
“I applied for the Health Careers program because I am interested in the medical field,” said Doyle. “Currently I am in the CNA section of the Health Careers program which means I am doing hands-on learning in a hospital-type classroom, allowing me to train for my Certified Nursing Assistant.”

(By Abby Steiger)
The Health Careers program is aimed toward students like Doyle who plan on going into the medical field and who want to get a jumpstart on their careers.
The CNA program prepares students for jobs in the healthcare field, says junior Jada Eggleston
“This program will introduce me to basic nursing care and I can see if this is something I would like as a career,” said Eggleston. “I have a huge interest in surgical nursing.”
Although we are amidst a pandemic, the students are still preparing to go to clinical’s next month where they will do on-the-job learning at Good Samaritan Senior Living in Olathe.
Doyle says in order to get ready for clinical training, she is practicing on her peers and family members.
“I am preparing for clinical’s by practicing on my peers in the classroom and sometimes family members if needed,” said Doyle. “I am excited for clinical’s because it will give me an inside look on what it’s like to be a CNA and we will get to work on real patients.”