Students participate in first ever lunch intruder drill
For the first time in school history, students practice lunch intruder drill
During the lunch intruder drill on Tuesday, Dec. 1, sophomores Parker Johnson and Kaylee Berrios run to the nearest exit to evacuate the commons.
December 2, 2015
Students participate in the first ever lunch intruder drill on Tuesday, Dec 1. Students were instructed by school resource officer Mo Loridon to evacuate the lunchroom in the most efficient and quickest way possible through a number of exits.
Loridon met with the lunch periods one day prior to the drill in order to ensure the students would be equipped for the procedure.
Loridon has been planning the drill for over two years, and was pleased with the outcome.
“I think it was awesome honestly, I think everyone did a good job,” Loridon said. “We knew there would be small issues with it, but overall it was very successful and I think the kids did great.”
Having set high expectations for the day, Loridon believes the students performed above and beyond what they were instructed.
“My expectations were that our students would listen and do the best they could,” Loridon said. “I expected that some wouldn’t do perfect. I expect that some may be hesitant to do it but, they exceeded my expectations.”
Sophomore Ava Taton thought the drill was a learning experience for everyone.
“My overall opinion was we did a very good job during the drill and we did it quick and efficiently,” Taton said. “We all know the quickest way out of the lunchroom now and the easiest way.”
According to Taton, the drills are beneficial in teaching students how to prepare and learn to take matters into their own hands in case of a real intruder situation.
“We can practice for a real life situation, so we know what to do,” Taton said. “Instead of just hiding, we can take action if needed.”
Loridon has seen a noticeable difference in the past few years of drills.
“Obviously, when bringing in the ALICE program, which we did two or two and a half years ago, it made a huge change,” Loridon said. “I think everybody is more aware.”
Being prepared for an intruder is important to Loridon and he believes our school is extremely ready for an emergency situation.
“I think our school is one of the top notch when it comes to being ready for that,” Loridon said. “We’re never going to be ready when it happens, but we will be more prepared.”