Students share how COVID-19 impacted their spring break

After having gone on spring break Tuesday, March 24 students were forced to adjust their spring break plans this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students at Mill Valley, spend their spring break traveling.

By Sydney Wood

Students at Mill Valley, spend their spring break traveling.

Payton Ross, JAG reporter/photographer

Due to the lockdown, last spring break students were forced to cancel their spring break plans. However this year, with breakthrough COVID-19 vaccines, many students decided to make up missed trips. 

One such student who decided to go on a spring break trip this year is freshman, Brittany Knickerbocker who attended a family friend’s wedding ceremony. . 

“I went to Galveston Texas for four days,” Knickerbocker said. “My family and I went to our friend’s wedding on Galveston beach, and walked around downtown.”

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Another student who decided to go on a spring break trip this year is freshman Dallin Wallace, who went to Mexico with his family. 

“My family and I went swimming in the ocean, golfing, we lifted weights, and ran sprints in the sand,” Wallace said. “My favorite part was golfing with my siblings. 

Deciding to go on a spring break trip this year, Sophomore Gracie Knight shares that she was able to snowboard for the first time with her friends.  

“My friends and I went to Colorado for 5 days,” Knight said. “My favorite part was getting to snowboard for the first time ever and eating all of the really good food.”

Luckily, according to the students who went on spring break trips this year, COVID-19 had only a small impact on these vacations.

“The only thing COVID-19 changed was the fact that we had to wear masks in all the restaurants and stores,” Knickerbocker said.

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