Students share why they prefer specific sports watches

The battery life, ability to go under water and price examined of the Apple Watch Series Three, FitBit Charge 2 and Garmin Forerunner 235

Michael Sandri, JagWire reporter

Apple watch:
Already having numerous technological products, Apple also has a presence in the watch market.

Junior Celia Kistner has had her Apple watch since the beginning of the school year, and said she enjoys the numerous features it provides.

As a swimmer, she appreciates the fact that it is waterproof and has many utilities related to exercise.

“I like how it’s waterproof and I can use it to track how much exercise I get,” Kistner said. “It’s also nice because I can use it to set alarms and get texts.”

A Fitbit watch has numerous exercise related capabilities which is why sophomore Paige Oliver chooses to wear one.

Oliver says she enjoys tracking the number of steps she takes each day and chooses to wear a Fitbit because that is one of its many features.

“I like to track the amount of steps that I get in each day and when I’m at sports I like to see how much how many more steps I get depending on how much physical activity I get,” Oliver said.

Although she mostly utilizes the pedometer feature, Oliver is also fond of the Fitbit’s other utilities.

“I can tell the time, my steps, the amount of miles I walk every day, the calories I burn each day and the number of minutes that I am active each day,” Oliver said.

As a cross country runner, senior Blake Walker took an interest in a Garmin watch.

“I run cross country and saw that a lot of other runners had Garmins and I thought they’d be useful for running,” Walker said.

Walker said the watch has many uses that would make it a good watch to wear during a run.

“The watch can track my heartbeat, steps taken, calories burned and my time and distance on runs,” Walker said. “Of course it can also tell the time.”

Overall, Walker says he simply enjoys the watch because “it’s comfortable and can do everything [he] needs it to do.”

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