Choir uses their social media pages to spread awareness about choir events

Using social media, choir posts about choir-sponsored events to promote school spirit. Choir uses their Instagram and TikTok pages to spread information about the events they are hosting. Senior McKinley Graves, who is one of the choir members who runs social media, shares what the choir social media pages normally post.
“Most of the time we post about upcoming events like concerts, fundraisers, or just choir updates in general,” Graves said. “We have also recently been posting senior spotlights since our seniors will be graduating soon and we wanted to highlight the time they have spent in choir.”
Senior Blake Powers, who also helps run the choir social media pages, explains some of the specific things they post about to promote school spirit.
“Recently, we have posted about members in choir who are now state bound soloists and ensembles,” Powers said. “We also posted about singing and sweets, which was an event we hosted where we invited everyone to come watch our singers perform as practice for regionals and to have sweets as well.”
Additionally, Graves reflects on why she thinks social media posts help promote spirit at school.
“I think that the posts get people excited for certain events and also makes people aware of the things going on at school, so more people come and support,” Graves said. “Social media is just such a good thing to use to promote the events that we are hosting.”
Similarly to Graves, Powers describes how school spirit is promoted by the things that choir posts.
“I think that posting on social media is totally promoting school spirit because people repost our Instagram posts on their stories or repost the tiktoks that we make in class which causes more people to see it,” Powers said. “The more people see our content on social media, the more likely they are to attend choir-sponsored events.”
Overall, Graves really enjoys getting to use social media in such a positive manner to promote school spirit.
“I really enjoy seeing others reposting the content that we make for our social media,” Graves said. “I love that we are able to spread the word about choir events in a fun and creative way.”
JLC uses social media to promote students to attend school-sponsored events

Like many other classes, Jag Leadership Corps uses social media to promote school spirit. JLC uses their social media to make students aware of sport, school, and club-sponsored events that take place at school. Senior Abby Wolff, who is a member of JLC’s social media team, shares how JLC uses social media to promote school spirit.
“We use JLC to promote any upcoming sports or events happening at Mill Valley so students are updated about what is happening in their school,” Wolff said. “The types of social media we use are Instagram and TikTok since those are the most popular platforms students in our school use.”
Junior Brynn Shideler, who is also a member of JLC’s social media team, explains the types of things JLC uses their social media to promote.
“JLC posts a variety of information. We have a weekly overview of anything going on at MV each week,” Shideler said. “We also highlight clubs and sports with individual posts. We try our best to stay updated with everything going on and keeping up with the trends.”
Reflecting on JLC’s social media usage, Wolff describes how social media increases school spirit.
“I personally do think our social media boosts school spirit because without it students wouldn’t know the themes of games and spirit weeks,” Wolff said. “It also reminds students of events they may have not known about.”
Like Wolff, Shideler also believes that using social media to promote school-sponsored events boosts school spirit
“I do think social media boosts school spirit. I know that many high schoolers look to social media when finding out information about our school. Since JLC does post a lot, we do have a lot of information out. Social media is great because it is so accessible and easily reaches many students,” Shideler says. “Also, we love to recognize specific individuals when doing athlete of the week. Coaches nominate their players when it is their sport’s turn and it’s great for recognizing individuals and teams that deserve it.”
Overall, Shideler likes how school-sponsored social media pages promote school activities and spirit.
“I love how much information we are able to put out. We don’t do everything but it is such a great resource to keep everyone knowing what is going on,” Shideler said. “Personally, I know I have friends and classmates who specifically go to the JLC Instagram page to find out when events are. It’s a really great resource for students to use.”
Baseball utilizes their Instagram page to promote game days and increase the number of students who attend baseball games

This season, the baseball team has started posting more consistently in order to bring more attention to the team and their games. Senior Blake Neis has taken on the role of creating and posting for the team. Neis describes why the team decided to start posting more.
“I have taken the role of making and posting everything on the mill valley baseball account this year,” Neis said. “The account itself was made a couple years ago, but we decided to start posting more this year to get more people involved.”
The biggest part of the posting this year has been the player spotlights. Neis expresses why game day posts and player spotlights have helped increase competition within the team.
“We make a post for every gameday, then the final scores of the game and we make a post for the player of the game,” Neis said. “We decided to start making player of the game posts to award our players for their good plays and it has helped our guys continue to compete.”
Junior Hudson Powers, who plays on the team, explains why players feel more confident at their games when they see the increase of audience members because of the instagram posts.
“The Instagram account has spread the word around the school about game times and places, this year it has been successful.” Powers said. “It has helped bring out the players’ confidence to see so many people watching us.”
Neis shares why he believes instagram has played a major role in the increased attendance at games and how it has helped the players.
“Our instagram page has helped spread the word about baseball and I have noticed more and more people talking about it around school,” Neis said. “The school spirit has really increased as more students have continued to show up to our games and have become more involved with the team and at our games.”
Lastly, Powers reflects on how the school spirit at games has affected the the season so far
“The rise of school spirit at our game is very prominent,” Powers said. “It’s awesome to see so many people going out to support us on the field each week.”