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Survey of Fine Crafts classes begin creating personalized T-shirts

Survey of Fine Crafts classes begin creating personalized T-shirts

Instructed by art teacher Jodi Ellis, students in the Survey of Fine Crafts class began screen printing on T-shirts on Monday, Nov. 12. From start to finish, the process took about five class periods.

 Students created stencils of an image that represented popular art, such as the “Harry Potter,” “Dolce & Gabbana” and “Monster” energy drink logos.

 “[In order to brainstorm] I browsed the internet and looked for pictures that would look good on a T-shirt,” junior Hunter Moravac said. “Most of it isn’t too difficult, but cutting stencils is challenging. I already messed [the stencil] up.”

 The T-shirts will include a pattern of four neon-colored squares with the image of the students’ choice printed on top.

Freshman Paige Wiebe said she is enjoying the process of making her T-shirt.

“The class is really fun because I sit by one of my friends,” Wiebe said. “We compare colors and ask for advice.”

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