By Molly Griffin

After being crowned Sweetheart king and queen, seniors Grant Rutkowski and Lauren Aycock pose for a picture.

Sweetheart queen and king crowned at halftime

Seniors Lauren Aycock and Grant Rutowski crowned during the boys basketball game halftime Tuesday, Jan. 31

Seniors Lauren Aycock and Grant Rutowski were crowned Sweetheart King and Queen Tuesday, Jan. 31 at the boys basketball game. The nominees for court were seniors Dylan Ashford, Emma Dempsey, Jameson Beran, Tierney Fields, Bryce Jennings, Gracie Knight, Foster Jonasson, Olivia Page, Jack Melvin and Madeline Schnepf. Aycock shares her initial thoughts on being nominated.

“I was really excited that I was nominated for Sweetheart queen,” Aycock said. “I was also really happy to be in a group of girls that I was friends with.”

Similarly, Rutowski explains his feelings on his nomination.

“I was honestly surprised that I got nominated for king,” Rutowski said. “I thought it was my friends joking around about voting to get me nominated.”

Additionally, Aycock describes her reaction to being crowned.

“I didn’t realize it at first, I was so nervous I couldn’t hear until Dylan [Ashford] told me they called my name,” Aycock said. “It was exciting and I was really relieved because my whole family was there to watch me be crowned.”

Overall, Rutowski shares his thoughts on the coronation.

“I felt amazing when I was crowned because all of my family was there and all of my friends cheered for me,” Rutowski said. “I feel grateful for everyone that voted for me to be king.”

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