Tech crew works behind the scenes on school productions

The tech crew works lights and sound to ensure a smooth show

The soundboard, with the musical booklet on display, is part of the technology the stage crew works with.

Jakob Twigg

John Lehan, JagWire reporter/photographer

Lights, camera, action. People can gloss over technical work and focus on a performance’s action, but without the tech crew’s efforts, the show can’t go on.

The school’s tech crew takes responsibility for the sound and lighting in school productions. According to sophomore spotlight member Abigail Peters, the tech crew must work smoothly so as not to disrupt the show.

“We all work to be invisible during the duration of the show in order not to ruin the illusion on stage,” Peters said.

Members of the tech crew have to be trained by director Jon Copeland, assistant director Jerry Howard or another tech crew member and go to the three weeks of rehearsal. The high workload challenges Peters.

“Tech crew isn’t all sunshine and rainbows,” Peters said. “The amount of stress I’ve been under has increased exponentially since we started, but I think that’s true for all of the members of the production.”

As the person in charge of fixing microphone issues, sophomore tech utility person Josh Stove enjoys contributing to the musical.

“[The most interesting thing] is the idea that you are helping make a show that people will come to watch and have fun with,” Stove said.

Despite being demanding, the tech crew allows members to get involved with the musical without having to perform, according to Stove.

“I think it is an unique experience that anyone can join. [You can] and help with the musical without being on stage performing,” Stove said.

Peters appreciates getting to see the musical grow.

“The best part of tech crew has to be seeing the show every night,” Peters said. “I’ve been able to see how the cast has improved over the course of my time up in the booth.”

Beyond just the musical, Stove enjoys the new long term relationships and recognition that accompany being part of the tech crew.

“The best part is the friends you make and also how much appreciation you get after performances,” Stove said.

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