Telling your parents you love them

If my daughterhood was an essay and I was being graded on Mrs. Swafford’s Pre-AP English 10 rubric, I’d probably get a solid C-. I don’t clean my room, I stress my parents the heck out with my procrastination, I overuse data on the family’s cell phone plan pretty much every month and constantly forget to tell them how great they are. But wow, am I lucky to have two parents who love me immensely regardless.

As I think about going off to college next year and leaving so much familiarity behind, the thought of leaving my parents always hits me the hardest. Nobody to be my personal therapist (thanks mom), nag me to finish my homework or make me dinner every night.

Showing my parents how much I love them and how grateful I am for them in person won’t be a luxury I have in a few short months. Shifting my mentality has made me more aware of the little things they do for me on the daily and how much I fail to show my appreciation for them.

What I’ve learned in the past six months — and what I want anyone who will soon still has the leisure of home cooked meals — is that no matter how much you may think you want to get away from your parents, never stop appreciating all the often things they do for you. And show your appreciation as much as you can; it’ll go a long way.

I love you mom and dad, thanks for everything the past 17 years. Thanks for raising me to be a prepared, independent young woman ready to take on the real world. (And no, mom, this isn’t an obligatory column because I want something).

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