By Attey Field

With a smile on his face, Homecoming king candidate senior Nick Brubeck throws candy from the car to the children on the side of the road while his partner Homecoming queen candidate senior Avery Davis waves to the crowd.

The annual Homecoming parade returns

The traditional Homecoming parade returned Wednesday, Sept. 22, after a year off due to COVID-19

The annual Homecoming parade took place after a year Wednesday Sept. 22, beginning and ending at Prairie Ridge Elementary. 

The parade consisted of different floats that carried the Homecoming candidates, sports teams, clubs and the lunch ladies. All of the participants were cheered on by the crowd that came to support the school. 

Homecoming queen candidate senior Avery Davis reflected on the best parts of the parade. 

“I like all the floats and I think the sports floats are awesome because they always play super loud music and they’re super fun,” Davis said. “There’s always a lot of people there to support and the class floats are awesome. It brings us all together.” 

Sophomore Reagan Enemark explained why the Homecoming parade is important to the school and the community.

 “I think it’s important because of the amount of support and how big Mill Valley is to Western Shawnee,” Enemark said. “I also think it is important because school functions show their school spirit and how much we love the school. It’s important to us students because we get to see the motivation that our school puts in and how much fun we get to have during Homecoming week.” 

Davis also had the same thoughts on why the parade is important.

“The Homecoming parade is really important because it’s a tradition that we’ve always had,” Davis said. “It gets everyone involved and excited. All ages are able to come to watch and get excited with us as well.”

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