The drama department puts on “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

The play production will take place Tuesday, April 19 to Friday, April 22

Payton Ross, JAG reporter/photographer

Students have been hard at work preparing for their upcoming performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Dress rehearsals were held Thursday, April 14 and Monday, April 18. 

Sophomore Nate Garner shares the storyline behind the play. 

“‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is a Shakespeare play and it’s about lovers who my character, Oberon, and [junior] Carter Harvey’s character, Puck, mess with,” Garner said. “There’s also a play within a play and several other little sets of people.”

During tech week students would rehearse with lights, costume and makeup from 3:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Junior Abhi Raut explains how she was able to balance her school work and rehearsals. 

“I balance school work and rehearsals by working extra hard during the weekends in an attempt  to plan ahead,” Raut said. “I also sometimes find myself working later in the night after rehearsals.” 

Garner did not struggle with finishing his school work, despite his busy schedule. 

“Balancing school work and rehearsals isn’t too bad, you are gonna have at least an hour off stage at every rehearsal,” Garner said. “I always used it to listen to music or do the homework I didn’t get done in class.”

Additionally, actors were able to meet with other groups to practice their scenes. Raut explained how other members of the department were able to accomplish this. 

“In the beginning, rehearsals were specialized and I was only called two or three times a week from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to work on scene blocking or memorizing with the other forest characters,” Raut said. “As time went on, I started meeting with other groups from my cast to tie scenes together.”

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