The middle school journalism workshop returns

Middle school students learned tips for publications classes from high school journalists

Kenzie Gorr, JAG reporter/photographer

Tuesday, Sept. 20 marked the return of the annual district middle school journalism workshop. The event took place at the Cedar Trails Exploration Center for the very first time. Roughly 70 middle school journalists attended, participating in sessions including caption writing, photography and interviewing. 

Monticello Trails middle school journalism teacher Angela Crews attended the workshop with her students, and described how the workshop helped them to learn how they can continue with journalism moving forward. 

“I think they really learned a lot from the high schoolers, especially in terms of photography,” Crews said. “I also think it helps them to see kids who have got involved in high school in a positive way.” 

Crews also appreciated the opportunity to work with her colleagues to help prepare her students with useful tips and information from their high school peers. 

“The middle school publications program is tough because there is no intro level class,” Crews said. “So taking a day completely devoted to learning is integral to the success of the middle school programs.”

Additionally, junior Chaley Spaulding, a broadcast student, also attended the workshop. Spaulding’s job was to help teach the kids how to work the cameras and teach them interview tips.

“I think it is important for middle schoolers to go to workshops like these so they can get a feel for what different classes in high school are like and explore new interests they may have,” Spaulding said. 

Overall, Spaulding enjoyed the one-on-one time with the middle schoolers and hopes that next year will bring an even bigger turnout. 

“If I could’ve changed something about the day teaching middle schoolers, it would’ve just been getting more students interested to come out to CTEC and learn about broadcast,” Spaulding said.

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