The Women’s Empowerment Club hosts a movie night

The club watched “Little Women” Wednesday, Nov. 3, which showed strong women who helped the club feel empowered

By Maya Parks

While watching Little Women for Women Empowerment Wednesday, Nov. 3, junior Alex Cobin and sophomore Bridgit Duffin talk before the start of the movie.

Sophia Estes, JAG editor-in-chief

The Women’s Empowerment Club held a movie night in the Media Center Wednesday, Nov. 3 starting at 7:00 p.m. and ending at 9:00 p.m. The club voted to watch Greta Gerwig’s 2019 adaptation of “Little Women.” Club members brought pillows and blankets to lay on and snacks to eat during the movie. 

Sophomore Bridgit Duffin explained why they chose the movie and how it was empowering to her. 

“We chose to watch ‘Little Women’ because it’s a movie we all really liked and wanted to watch,” said Duffin. “It was empowering to see some of the female leads grow up and find their own paths in the world that didn’t have anything to do with getting married and having children.”

Sharing similar feelings, sophomore Ella Edwards shares how the movie made her feel. 

“I chose to watch ‘Little Women’ because it was a movie we all thought was empowering to women,” said Edwards. “The movie is empowering because it depicts women from a different era taking charge in their lives.”

The members of Women Empowerment watch a movie with a group of their friends while eating snacks. (By Maya Parks)

The Women’s Empowerment Club isn’t just for women. Duffin explains how everyone is welcome. 

“This is such a loving community, all are welcome to come,” Duffin said. “Just seeing that other people my age have the same opinions as me makes me more confident and that’s empowering.”

The club is more than just a gathering, Edwards defines what the main goal was for the club.

“The main goal of the club is to empower women, and to spread information about how to empower women,” Edwards said.

Edwards describes how the Women’s Empowerment club helps her feel empowered.

“It has helped me feel empowered by it just existing,” said Edwards. “And the fact that someone thought it was important enough to make it a club.”

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