Thespians earn superior ratings at conference
Thespian troupe competes in individual and team events at the Kansas State Thespian Conference
Senior Michaela Mense performs her musical solo from the Kansas Thespian Conference on Monday, Jan. 26.
January 27, 2015
After preparing entries for competition for the first time, the Mill Valley Thespian Troupe returned home from the Kansas Thespian State Conference on Thursday, Jan. 8 with 5 students earning superior ratings and one earning a Kansas Thespian Scholarship worth one thousand dollars.
According to drama teacher and Thespians sponsor Jon Copeland, this year’s success was due in part to their increased involvement in the events.
“We made a statement, we made our presence felt in a positive way.” Copeland said. “In the past we took part in some impromptu workshops … but this year we were a lot more involved.”
After the success of this years convention, Copeland said he’d like to see the number of superior ratings double.
“It was so exciting to hear our name called so many time and to know that other communities know Mill Valley.” Copeland said, “Next year the goal will be to get 10 people superiors on their individual events.”
The team competed in individual events, team events and Theater Quiz Bowl, an event in which members answer trivia questions. The Theater Quiz Bowl team, consisting of senior Henry Hanson, juniors Siera Thompson and Trevor Molz, sophomore Natalie Carrera, earned second place at the convention.
One of 5 superior ratings went to junior Siera Thompson for her monologue, a performance which also earned an extra opportunity to perform in the showcase event. Sophomore Lisa Earlenbaugh earned a superior ratings in an acting duet with senior Henry Hanson as well as another in a singing duet with senior Brady Franklin. Superior ratings also went to seniors Kaia Minter and Laci Moore for their musical duet. The final superior rating went to senior Michaela Mense for a musical solo.
Senior Michaela Mense said competing at the conference for the first time was a positive experience and she has high hopes for the national convention this summer.
“[My goal is] To get a superior rating again,” Mense said. “because how cool is that?”
All superior rated performers will head to Lincoln, Nebraska in June to compete at the national level in the National Thespian Convention.