Valentine’s Day isn’t overrated

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be just for your significant other

Laken Wagner, JAG editor-in-chief

I’ve been hearing people say things along the lines of, “Valentine’s Day is so unnecessary, why is it even a thing?” a lot lately, and it honestly makes me a little mad. Maybe it’s because I’ve always had someone to spend time with and spoil on Valentine’s Day, whether it’s a guy I’m dating or my sister. Or maybe it’s because I try to spoil my friends more than a significant other, and that makes me feel good about myself. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve never really understood why some people didn’t like Valentine’s Day.

Now, I have had someone explain that it’s because a lot of people feel lonely because they don’t have a significant other to spoil them. So you know what I say to that? Who cares? Spoil your friends, spoil your parents, maybe even spoil yourself.

Who said you have to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend to enjoy Valentine’s Day? Instead of waiting for that special someone to surprise you with a dozen roses and a box of your favorite chocolates, treat yourself to those chocolates. Twice. Yeah, you’ll have to pay, but you would’ve probably bought something for that special someone too, and I guarantee you that buying your own chocolate is a lot less expensive.

Don’t like chocolate? Alright, invite some of your friends over for a Valentine’s dinner. Maybe you guys all cook together — that way, you can have a good laugh when your spaghetti somehow ends up burnt.

Maybe your friends are busy with their significant others, or they just don’t want to hang out. (In this case, I suggest examining this friendship, because who wouldn’t want to make food with you?) Then, you get to spoil other people. This option isn’t for everyone, but try offering to watch your younger siblings so your parents can go out for the night rather than worrying about all of you. Yes, that requires babysitting, but I’m sure your parents would be eternally grateful, and it’ll probably get you some serious brownie points.

Now, I know what you’re saying: Valentine’s Day is long gone and done. Does that mean you can’t do any of this? No. Does that mean you have to hate Valentine’s Day still or put up with the people that do? Nope, go change your mind and their minds in time for next year. Besides, who really needs one of those 6-foot bears from Costco anyway?

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