Women’s Empowerment Club volunteers at trunk or treat

After volunteering at Pinnacle Gymnastics’ annual trunk or treat the club looks forward to more community events

Abby Riggs, JagWire reporter/photographer

The Women’s Empowerment Club helped with their first ever trunk or treat event Saturday, Oct. 29. At the event, kids were able to celebrate Halloween two days early by putting on their costumes and parading from car to car in the Pinnacle Gymnastics parking lot, receiving candy from members of the Women’s Empowerment Club and other volunteers.  

The trunk or treat is hosted annually by Pinnacle Gymnastics, however, it is dependent on various volunteers. 

Women’s Empowerment Club officer junior Bridgit Duffin enjoyed partaking in the weekend festivities. 

“The trunk or treat went great,” Duffin said in a text message. “There was an awesome turnout of kids and lots of smiles all around.” 

Women’s Empowerment Club secretary junior Olivia Peters enjoyed handing out candy to the kids at the event, especially because she also coaches at Pinnacle. 

“I liked passing out candy to the kids,” Peters said in a text message. “A lot of them, especially the younger ones, were a little bit shy, but it was always fun to see what they picked.” 

Peters felt that she and other members of the club enjoyed volunteering in the event so much that they would like to be a part of it again in future years. 

“The event was really cool so we’d definitely consider doing it again in the future,” Peters said. 

Club sponsor Sara Sedgwick explained that the club’s involvement with the event was fueled by the desire for the Women’s Empowerment Club to become more involved in the community. 

“[The Women’s Empowerment Club] was wanting to reach out and do more community service activities and this was the first one they decided to try and be a part of,” Sedgwick said. 

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