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You’re free to type what you please…to an extent

It’s no secret that social networking profiles allow a user to express himself virtually however he may please. However, certain unspoken rules still apply. Problematic tweeting and Facebook status updating appear to be continuing issues in this generation. With a decent number of Facebook friends and several Twitter users that I follow who post often, I was bound to be peeved by something online this weekend. It’s certainly your own account and freedom of speech does apply, but for the love of God, take note and avoid the use of the following Facebook statuses and tweets.

1. “OMG my life is perfect!!! #lovemylife.”

Ah, the clichéd tweets and status updates which are used to express one’s high-on-life attitude. I’m happy that you seem to be feeling pretty content, but please, keep the bragging to a minimum. These overused proclamations only initiate someone to feel even more bitter about their bad day.

2. “Paranormal Activity 3 was sooo freaky! Def. not sleeping tonight.”

Now how many times did Facebookers have the pleasure of reading this last weekend? After seeing the movie myself, I was indeed a bit frightened, but I wasn’t about to draft a tweet about it that was scarily overused. Clearly the movie is scary; hence its specified ‘horror’ genre. As long as I’m not rereading the obvious, I could not care less if your next tweet is a 140 character movie review.

3. “I just discovered _______. Where have you been all my life?!”

When people discover something, even if it’s relatively small, they seem to get so excited that they just cannot help but share it with the social networking world. But honestly, even if you had known where something was all of your life, it’s not like you were going to pull an Indiana Jones to find it.

4. “Just made macaroni and cheese. NBD.”

The acronym ‘NBD,’ standing for ‘no big deal,’ is actually rather ironic and is intended to be used when a given situation actually is a big deal. It seems to be much overused for situations that really aren’t a big deal, thus making for a status or tweet that lacks humor, but offers annoyance.

5. “#theawkwardmomentwhen my dog is hungry and there is no dog food.”

The given hashtag #theawkwardmomentwhen is everywhere on Twitter. Newsflash, people, your inconveniences are not the same as awkward moments. Simply man up and realize that just because something is slightly uncomfortable or unusual for you, it isn’t awkward.

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